- 1 GRINDER MILL model PR-3 in AISI 304 Stainless
- 1 CONTINUOUS PRESS model PR-300 in AISI 304
Stainless Steel.
- 1 7.5 HP III ELECTRIC MOTOR at 380 V. B-3, with
IP-55 protection.
- 1 SUPPORT BENCH in AISI 304 Stainless Steel,
with wheels and brakes.
- Up to 600 liters of semi-concentrated horchata* per hour.
- (Proportion: 1 kilo of tiger nuts / 3 liters of horchata).
- WIDTH:............ 65 CMS.
- LENGTH:...........135 CMS.
- HEIGHT:............175 CMS.
- WEIGHT:............200 KILOS.
- Perfect matt polished finish.
- Easy and quick cleaning.
- Free of maintenance and greasing by the user.
- It takes up very little space.
- It is a machine with great speed of production, since having the MILL located on the CONTINUOUS PRESS, once he has finished grinding the tiger nuts, he
has also finished pressing.
- It does not need to press the grinding twice as in other continuous presses, since due to its great power and special constructive characteristics, it extracts
all the substance from the tiger nuts in a single pressing.
- Produces 1 to 2 liters more liquid horchata per kilo of tiger nuts used, with the same density as other machines to wash pulp that some call “presses”.